Man On Bike Hits Highway Sign
A Man Riding A Bike At High Speeds Hits Sign And Falls Off
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I'm not a cyclist I'm a human on a bike. I'm not a cyclist I'm a human on a bike. Bike lanes are for everyone! Bike fail: when you crash into a sign Looks like I ended up in a blooper reel Looks like I'm in trouble now Just another day of biking gone wrong Biking can be dangerous if you're not careful When the road sign isn't what you expected Whoops! I guess I'll take the long way home Don't you just hate it when your bike ride ends in disaster? I'm never biking down this hill again Taking a wrong turn on your bike ride Biking in the wrong place can be dangerous Ouch! That hurt I should've known better Ah, I guess that was too much Oops! Guess I need to pay more attention to where I'm going When biking gets a little too reckless Biking is fun until you hit a road sign Oops! I should have watched where I was going When the road bumps are too much When you hit the wrong sign Who knew that sign was so dangerous? When a sign becomes a challenge What a way to end a bike ride When you fall off your bike and can't get back up When you overestimate your biking skills Oops I did it again Maybe I should've stayed in the grass Reckless biking can be painful Whoops! Time to turn around and head back home When you thought it couldn't get any worse Never underestimate the power of a bike sign When you thought you were being careful, but you weren't When you hit a sign and it hurts Oops, that was a fail What was I thinking?! What have I done?! I'm not cut out for biking down hills When you thought you were invincible I should have read the signs I should have stayed on the path That moment when you realize you hit the sign When you didn't read the signs Ah well, I guess I'll just have to pick myself up and try again When you realize your mistakes have been recorded for eternity When you thought you were being safe, but you weren't Biking gone wrong When your cycling adventure takes a turn for the worse I'm gonna be in trouble for this one When the terrain is too much for you When you thought you could get away with it, but you can't Ah, biking down a hill isn't as easy as it looks Whoops! That was unexpected When you crash into something you didn't see