Trump Opens Legislation Book
Donald Trump Opens Up Legislation He Has Signed In Oval Office
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When can I quit? I'm tired. Party Rules Party bags for adults should be a thing Ready to show the world what I'm made of Time to present the newest decree Posing with the latest decree Proud to show the world what I can do Showing off his newest decree Time to reveal the newest executive order Ready to prove that I'm the best When Donald Trump is ready to show off his latest move Making moves in the White House When you're confident that you made the right decision That's what you get when you make a decree Don't mess with the pen of power Taking out the newest executive order from the folder Just another day in the White House Politics don't have to be boring No one can stop me now! Presenting the latest from the White House Looking proud and confident with the new executive order Showing off the latest news with a pen in hand Proudly presenting the latest executive order Showing off his latest executive order Presenting the latest political news with confidence Presenting the newest executive order with pride When you have to prove your latest move is a good one Presenting the new executive order Making my mark in the White House Confident in the newest executive order When you know you caught the attention of the world When you have to show off your latest decree When you realize you've just made history When you're confident in your latest decision When you know you've made the right choice When you're proud of your latest political move Confident in my decisions Don't mess with the Donald I'm proud and I know it Ready to show the world what I'm capable of It's time to present the latest news Donald Trump holds up the newest decree Trump draws, the world follows Making waves in the White House Donald Trump proudly presents the latest news Ready to face the White House staff with the latest news When the new executive order is finally ready Drawing up the latest executive order One pen, one folder, and a lot of power It's show time at the White House When you have to explain your latest decree to the White House staff When you know you just made an impact Presenting his latest news with pride