Leslie Knope Holds Up Sign
Leslie Knope In TV Show Parks And Rec Holds Up Sign In Her Office
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I'm not a cat person I'm a pnr person. I'm not a morning person I'm a pnr person. Time to enjoy this amazing show! Say it ain't so! Looks like I'm in for a treat again! Here we go again! I'm more than ready for this! It seemed like a great idea at the time! What did I get myself into?! Here we go again... The best show ever! That's why they call it Parks and Recreation! This is exactly what I expected! When you realize you've been missing out How did I get myself into this show? When you discover the best show ever What have I done to deserve this show? Not what I was expecting! Oh yes, this is it! When you finally find your favorite show Parks and Recreation may be fun, but it sure can make you happy! Is this really happening? I should have found this earlier! Just another day in the life of a Parks and Recreation fan I'm starting to love my choices! Interested? Happy? Joyful? Tada! Me too! What have I done to deserve this?