Joker Walks Away From Hospital Explosion
Joker In Movie The Dark Knight Walks Away From Hospital Explosion
Morgan FreemanLucius FoxDark KnightChristian BaleChristopher NolanMovieFilmEntertainmentSuperheroesDCJokerHeath LedgerThe JokerThe Joker Walks Away From Exploding HospitalThe Joker Walking Away From Exploding HopsitalThe Joker Walks Away From Hospital ExplosionHospital ExplodingHospital ExplosionBlue SignLarge SignShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
I'm not going to the hospital I'm going to bdk! When you see the Joker's signature blue signboard When the Joker is up to no good and you have to act serious When the hospital parking lot turns into a battlefield When the Joker's plan is successful When the Joker is at the hospital and you know it's not going to end well When the Joker is in the building and you feel serious and anxious When the Joker is walking the halls and you have to smile to stay alive When you find out the Joker has a plan When the Joker is in the parking lot and you're happy to be alive When the Joker is ready for action When the Joker drops by the hospital and you know it's not a routine visit What's the Joker up to this time? When the Joker is ready to take over and you have to find a way to survive When the Joker is in town and you know it's not all fun and games When the Joker is in the film and you know it's going to be a wild ride When you have to go from hero to survivor It's a crime scene, alright When the Joker is on the loose and you have to find a way out When the Joker is taking over the hospital and you have to fight back When the Joker is in the hospital and you're not sure if you're satisfied When the Joker is in the hospital and you know it's time to get serious When the female nurse has to go undercover When the Joker is ready to blow up the hospital and you have to escape When the Joker is in the building and you know it's going to be an action-packed drama When the Joker shows up with a plan When the Joker does something unexpected When you have to go from superhero to super-escape artist When you're a nurse in a hospital straight out of The Dark Knight When the Joker brings a detonator and you know it's time to leave When the Joker is there and you feel satisfied and happy When you realize you'll never be able to smile the same way again When you have to walk away from an explosion When the Joker is in the hospital and you have to put on your superhero cape When you realize you can never be satisfied When your plan for the day goes out the window When the Joker is ready to make his move When the Joker shows up with a blue signboard and you know it's not a good sign When the Joker is in the movie and you have to find a way to save the day When the Joker is wreaking havoc and you can't help but smile When the Joker's plan is revealed That moment when you know it's time to get serious When the Joker is in town and you have to be anxious When your plan for the day gets derailed The Dark Knight comes to visit the hospital When the Joker arrives and you know it's going to get explosive When you know you're in for a wild ride When the Joker walks into the hospital and you can smell trouble Joker's plan is too good to resist Just another day in the life of a superhero When you realize who's waiting for you in the hospital parking lot When the Dark Knight strikes When the Joker has a plan and you have to find a way to stop him