Man Tries To Unload Truck
A Man Tries To Unload A Truck Of Goods But Does Nothing
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I'm not lazy I'm just very relaxed. I'm not procrastinating I'm just enjoying my life. Standing by, pretending to help The Useless Guy: Just doing what he can When you can't think of anything to do Just another day in the life of the Useless Guy The Useless Guy: Always trying his best When you know you can't do anything to help When helping out is just too confusing When you realize the only thing you're good at is being useless When you don't know what else to do Trying to help, but it's just too rushed No amount of snapbacks and jackets will help this situation When you've got nothing else to do When you're just too busy to help When you feel like you're the only one who can't help When all you can do is pretend to help The Useless Guy: When helping isn't an option The Useless Guy: When there's nothing else to do When helping out just isn't an option Just trying to look like I'm doing something The Useless Guy: When confusion is just too much When life gives you cement, make a street! Sometimes the best help is just looking busy When your best efforts are useless When you have no other choice but to be useless When you realize you're not as helpful as you thought