Jerry Smith Looks At Picture Frame
Jerry Smith In TV Show Rick And Morty Looks At Picture While He Is Super Sad
Rick and MortyTVTV ShowEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousAnimationAnimated TV ShowJerry SmithJerry Smith Looking At Picture Frame While SadJerry Smith Looks At Picture Frame While SadJerry Smith Looks At Picture While CryingJerry Smith CriesJerry Smith CryingPicturePicture FrameShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking. I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my misery. I'm not even supposed to be here today! When you can't quite reach Jerry Smith's level of cool Jerry Smith: Always making the rest of us feel inadequate Even Jerry Smith can't make this look cool When you realize you'll never be as cool as Jerry Smith Sad Jerry Smith: always one step behind When you try to be cool but it doesn't work out When you feel like you'll never be cool enough Jerry Smith: Sad but still cool When you try to be cool, but all you feel is sadness When you try to be cool, but you end up just sad Just when you thought Jerry Smith was done surprising you When all your attempts at coolness fail No matter how hard you try, you'll never be Jerry Smith I put down my blanket and Jerry Smith appeared When your attempt at coolness turns into longing Sad Jerry Smith: When coolness fails Longing for the days when Jerry Smith wasn't around Looks like Jerry Smith is missing something Nothing says "I'm cool" like a blanket in your bedroom Jerry Smith: always one step ahead Jerry Smith: Master of Blankets I should have known better than to try and be cool Never underestimate the power of Jerry Smith When you realize you'll never live up to Jerry Smith's standards Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse