Skinner Looking At Newspaper
Skinner In Movie Ratatouille Looks At Newspaper While At Table Outside
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I'm not ratatouille I'm a gourmet chef! I'm not a rat I'm a gourmet chef! Not what I signed up for That's why they call it a movie Just another day in the life of a Ratatouille fan So much for my adventure! Looks like I'm in trouble again When the fun stops and reality sets in When the real world just isn't enough When reality doesn't live up to your expectations I'm not sure I'm ready for this When you find out your fantasy was never real Time to face the music How did I get myself into this mess? Not what I expected when I signed up for this When you realize you've been scammed Oh no, not again I should have seen this coming When your fantasy comes crashing down Say it ain't so Is this really happening? Escape to the world of computer animation Not what I bargained for What have I done to deserve this? Here we go again When your childhood dreams don't quite turn out as planned It seemed like a good idea at the time