Jason Segel Delivers A Package
Jason Segel In TV Show How I Met Your Mother Delivers A Package To A Woman
How I Met Your MotherTVTV ShowSitcomEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousMarshall EriksenJason SegelJason Segel Delivers Package To WomanJason Segel Delivering Package To WomanJason Segel Hands Over Package To WomanJason Segel Handing Over Package To WomanBoxPackageShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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I'm not the father! I'm sorry I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe? Picking up parcels never felt so good! Walking with your parcel: The new romantic comedy Time to face the music! Post Parcels: A comedy series Enjoyment and happiness delivered in one package Marshall Eriksen: Delivery master Here we go again! Looks like I'm in trouble again! What did I get myself into?! When you realize you've been lied to all these years Oh no, not again! When your favorite show is over and it's time to move on Parcels, boxes and thick jackets: The sitcom experience Enjoyment, happiness and mail handling in one go I should have seen this coming! Not what I signed up for! Just another day in the life of a How I Met Your Mother fan Just another delivery for Marshall Eriksen What have I done?! Romantic comedy with a twist of post handling Romance, comedy and post handling: A sitcom family Who needs a beanie when you have a thick jacket? Christmas decorations, post handling and walking: A family comedy How I Met Your Mother: The delivery edition Is this really happening? When the building down the street gets a delivery Christmas decorations delivered straight to your door