Seth Rogen Points To Painting
Long Shot, Movie, Film, Entertainment, Comedy, Romance, Funny, Hilarious,
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I'm not lazy I'm just on energy-saving mode. I'm not a procrastinator I'm just really good at long-term planning. I think I'm in love! When two worlds collide When a black tie event turns romantic I'm taking a chance at love Ready to take a chance on love Hey, I think I know that painting! When you find love in the most unexpected places Taking a romantic leap of faith Is it really love at first sight? I think I painted this masterpiece Looks like I'm about to have a Long Shot at love Ready to see what this painting has in store Romance in the frame of a painting When Fred Flarsky takes a chance I'm ready to take a Long Shot at love I'm feeling calm, excited, and happy all at once When art and love collide Long Shot: When romance meets art What if I told you I painted that masterpiece? Seth Rogen ready to make his mark When you create a masterpiece and no one notices Love at first brush stroke Guess I'm taking a Long Shot at love Painting a perfect picture of romance When art and love go hand in hand This painting's got me feeling all kinds of emotions I think I'm ready to make a move