Lego Barbara Gordon Gives Presentation
Lego Barbara Gordon In Movie Lego Batman Gives Presentation To Officers
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
I'm not a morning person. I'm not a touchy person. I'm not a people person. I'm not a feeling person. When the audience erupts into applause When the audience is anxious to see what happens next When everyone is standing, pointing and gesturing When the audience is excited to see the movie come to life When the audience is taken aback When the audience is seriously impressed When the computer animation takes over When the audience is in awe of the visuals When Rosario Dawson as Batgirl appears on the podium When the superheroes start to battle When the presentation takes an unexpected turn When the audience is filled with anticipation When the superheroes take the stage When the audience is ah-ing and oh-ing When the audience laughs at the hilarious comedy When the audience is in suspense When the action starts on the large screen When the projector screen lights up with the amazing visuals When the Lego Batman Movie is projected on the big screen When the audience realizes what's about to happen When the audience is unsure what to expect next When the audience is in awe of the action on the screen When Barbara Gordon makes her entrance When you're presenting on the Lego Batman Movie and everyone is excited When the superhero costume is revealed on the projector screen When the movie transitions from animation to stop motion