Ryan Reynolds Holds Up Large Gift
Ryan Reynolds In Movie Just Friends Holds Up Large Gift Wrapped In Gold
Just FriendsMovieFilmEntertainmentChristmas MovieRom-ComRomanceComedyFunnyHilariousRyan ReynoldsChris BranderRyan Reynolds Holds Up Golden GiftRyan Reynolds Holding Up Golden GiftRyan Reynolds Shows Golden GiftRyan Reynolds Showing Golden GiftGolden GiftGiftGift BoxBoxShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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:Just friends? I thought we were more than that! I thought we were friends but this just proves how much you really care about me. When you realize you got the wrong gift When you realize the box is bigger than expected Ryan Reynolds and Chris Brander: The gift that keeps on giving When you find out the gift isn't what you wanted Enjoyment? Excitement? Nope, just nerves! When you realize your gift isn't as special as you thought When you realize you have to bend the rules to get the gift When you find out the gift isn't what you hoped it would be When you realize the gift isn't what you were expecting Christmas-themed romance comedy - what could go wrong? When you find out the gift isn't what you had hoped When you find out your gift isn't what you thought When the gift box is too big to fit through the door frame When you realize Christmas isn't always what it seems Just Friends: The movie that keeps giving When you realize the gift wasn't what you expected When you realize the gift is not what you expected When everyone else is enjoying the gift and you're just trying to get it in the door When you realize the gift isn't in the box When the gift isn't what you had in mind When the gift turns out to be not what you expected When you realize the gift isn't quite what you had planned That's why they call it a rom-com! When you realize being 'just friends' isn't a thing