Forrest Gump Runs Into Football Pit
Forrest Gump In Movie Forrest Gump Runs In Football Pit After Touchdown
Forrest GumpFilmMovieClassicEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousDramaRomanceRobert ZemeckisTom HanksForrest Gump Running Into Football PitForrest Gump Running Into Football PlayersForrest Gump RunsForrest Gump Run Into Football PitRed SignGiant Red SignShowing MessageDisplaying MessageSign Over Football Pit
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Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get. I'm not a smart man but I know what love is. The struggles of being a college football player When Forrest Gump accidentally joins the football team I'm not sure what I signed up for! I don't know if I'm ready for this That's the cost of playing football What am I doing here?! Forrest Gump: Football Player? Ahh! How did I get here?! When your family drama takes a turn for the worse Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark! Game day! Let's do this! That's the price of playing football Tom Hanks: Football Player? Is this what I wanted? When you find out football isn't as easy as it looks Just trying to stay standing! When you thought the football field was a safe place Don't let 'em tackle ya! When you're in way over your head Coach: You're up, Forrest! I'm in way over my head Forrest Gump: Taking the field When Forrest Gump gets tackled on the football field When you get tackled by an entire football team Wooh! That's gonna hurt tomorrow Who knew football could be so tough? Stand up and show 'em what you got!