Bridget Jones Writes In Daily Diary
Bridget Jones In Movie Bridget Jones's Diary Writes In Her Daily Journal
Bridget Jones's DiaryMovieFilmEntertainmentRomanceComedyFunnyHilariousRenée ZellwegerBridget JonesBridget Jones Writes In DiaryBridget Jones Writing In DiaryBridget Jones JournalsBridget Jones JournalingBridget Jones Writes In PlannerBridget Jones Writing In PlannerDaily DiaryJournal PlannerShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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What did I get myself into this time? Time to face the music! Here we go again! Looks like I'm in trouble again! When you realize the movie isn't actually your life Bridget Jones: Romance? What romance? This isn't what I expected! Oh no, not again! Bridget Jones, standing in the kitchen wondering what she got herself into Sadness in the Kitchen - the continuing saga of Bridget Jones I should have seen this coming! What did I sign up for?! When you realize the page in Bridget Jones' Diary isn't actually your own Here we go again... Bridget Jones: Just another day of misery When you realize Bridget Jones has it better than you When you realize your own story doesn't compare to Bridget Jones' What have I done to deserve this? Blonde hair, white robe, decorations, kitchen fixtures, writing in a diary...where have I seen this before? Is this really happening?! Renée Zellweger: Sad, Depressed and Confused Bridget Jones: Life isn't turning out the way I planned Just another day in Bridget Jones' Diary world What do you mean it's not my page in the diary? It seemed like a good idea at the time!