Man Yells At Computer
A Man In Movie Avatar Yells At His Computer In Frustration
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Madder than a hornet's nest. I'm so mad I could just scream! I'm not mad I'm just disappointed. Not again! Just another day at the Op Center That's why they call it science fiction What have I gotten myself into? This isn't what I signed up for Say it ain't so! Looks like I'm in trouble again Time to face the music! Panic in the Op Center Staff when things go wrong Looks like I'm in trouble again! I should have known better This isn't what I expected When your science fiction dreams become a nightmare This isn't what I expected! What did I get myself into?! Time to face the music Oh no, not again! How did I get myself into this mess? When you want action but get Avatar Monitors and screens won't save you now! That moment when you see other people wearing the same t-shirt When you realize you've been scammed Oh no, not again Not what I signed up for! When you realize you've been tricked into a science fiction movie I should have seen this coming! Is the cap and t-shirt enough protection? What have I done?! When you find out your hero was never real The Avatar film series gets real! When you realize you've been lied to your whole life When your dreams become a nightmare Nooooo! Not another Avatar movie! Is this really happening? Here we go again... Action-packed science fiction just got real! That's why they call it a movie, people! I'm not sure I'm ready for this! When the movie starts and you realize it's Avatar What have I done to deserve this? James Gaylyn: I'm in over my head When the James Gaylyn movie turns out to be Avatar Just another day in the Avatar world Other people looking and talking, but you're the one panicked and stressed! Everyone looking at the monitor with panic and stress Nooooo! That's not what I signed up for! It seemed like a good idea at the time!