Man Shows Small Block
A Man In Movie Too Young To Die Thrusts Small Block Forward In Arena
Too Young to DieWakakushite ShinuMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousHorrorSupernaturalArata FurutaPrincipal EnmaA Man Shows Small BlockA Man Showing Small BlockA Man Thrusts Forward Small BlockA Man Thrusting Forward Small BlockSmall BlockBlockWooden BlockShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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When you know you have to save the day no matter what Even with long hair, red skin, and a bald top, I'm not Too Young to Die! When you're in a horror movie and you know you're the only one who can save the day I'm ready to face the supernatural! Nothing can stop me from saving the day! Time to prove I'm not Too Young to Die! I'm not scared, I'm focused! I won't let this cube be my coffin! When you have to be brave and face your fears Too Young to Die? Not today! I can handle this horror movie! When the principal tells you to stay in the cube No matter what the odds, I'm ready! Bring it on, evil forces! I'm embracing my destiny! I'm not ready to die, not yet! Nothing can keep me from succeeding! Wakakushite Shinu? More like Wakakushite KEEP LIVING! Bring it on, monsters! Prepare for the Arata Furuta show! Too Young to Die? Not if I can help it! I'm ready to save the day! Ready, set, survive! Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm not brave enough to save the day When you're in a horror film and you know you have to escape Focused and excited, I'm ready for anything! When you realize you're too young to die