Mark Zuckerberg Looks At Card
Mark Zuckerberg In Movie Social Network Looks At Card
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
I'm sorry I don't have time for your TSN card. I'm not a fan of the new TSN cards. When you present your business card and it gets no reaction When your business card falls out of your pocket When you realize no one uses business cards anymore When you try to make a good impression with your old business card When you realize you're out of business cards When you forget to update your business card When you remember you left your business card at home When you look serious but you have a silly business card When you realize your business card won't get you a date When your business card fails to make a lasting impression When you find out your business card is so last decade When you can't find your business card in your pocket When your business card fails you When you try to make a good impression but your business card fails you When you try to impress with a '90s business card When you try to show off with a business card that's out of style When your business card falls out of your jacket When you see your business card in Jesse Eisenberg's pocket When you find yourself in a meeting without a business card When you realize Mark Zuckerberg doesn't need a business card When your business card is the only one in the room When you find yourself in an office and you don't have a business card When you realize your business card isn't as cool as you thought When you realize your business card won't get you into the club When you try to pick up girls with your business card When you realize your business card won't get you a job