Ben Stiller Walks Out And Cries
Ben Stiller In Movie There's Something About Mary Walks Out Of House And Cries
There's Something About MaryMovieFilmEntertainmentRomanceRom-ComComedyFunnyHilariousBen StillerTed StroehmannBen Stiller SadBen Stiller EmotionalBen Stiller Walks Out Of HouseBen Stiller Walking Out Of HouseBen Stiller Walks Out Of House And CriesBen Stiller Walks Out Of House CryingBen Stiller CriesBen Stiller CryingSad
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I'm not a procrastinator I'm on tsam-shirt. I'm not lazy I'm on tsam-shirt. When you realize your heart has been broken When the flowers don't make you feel better Looks like I'm in trouble again Heehee, here we go again Oh no, not this again! That moment when Ted finds out he's been tricked That feeling when you realize you've been had Looks like plants aren't the only things getting watered This isn't what I expected! That moment when you realize your pants aren't as stylish as you thought Oh no, not again! How did I get myself into this mess? Time to face the music When you thought it was love, but it was all a joke Not what I signed up for! I should have seen this coming! When you thought it was love, but it was just a flower pot When you realize the one you love doesn't even exist When you thought you'd found the one, but it was all a joke Is this really happening? Here we go again... When you realize your shirt isn't as cool as Ben Stiller's What have I done to deserve this? When you find out your favorite movie is a lie When you realize your shirt isn't as cool as you thought That's why they call it a rom-com That sinking feeling when you realize your dreams are crushed