Man In White Sits In Front TV
A Man In Movie Monty Python's Meaning Of Life Sits In Front Of TV And Talks
Monty Python's The Meaning of LifeMovieFilmMusicalEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousMr CreosoteFilm Announcer / M'Lady JoelineTerry GilliamTerry JonesMan Sitting In Front TVMan In White Sits In Front TVMan Talking In Front TVMan Talks In Front TVTV ScreenTVTelevisionTelevision ScreenScreenShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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I'm sorry I thought this was America. I'm not even mad that's amazing. Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones: Bringing you the best of musical comedy Monty Python's The Meaning of Life: An Epic Musical Adventure When you're living life to the fullest All the calm enjoyment of a movie without ever leaving your living room When you know you look good in white pants Monty Python's The Meaning of Life: A TV Screen Musical Who can resist a man in a shiny white jacket? Mr. Creosote: A man of many talents Mr. Creosote: Proud, calm and always entertaining Tis but a flesh wound! Proud, controversial, and ready for anything When you know you're gonna have a good time So this is what calm enjoyment looks like Who needs a movie theater when you have a tv screen? When Mr. Creosote meets M'Lady Joeline The meaning of life is what you make of it Monty Python's The Meaning of Life: A Musical Spectacular This is why you watch movies on TV Mr. Creosote: Proudly presenting a musical masterpiece Here comes the star of the show Sit back, relax and enjoy the show Quite possibly the most controversial musical you'll ever watch When you know you look good and you know it When the show must go on Mr. Creosote: Taking musical comedy to the next level