A Teacher Lowers Chalk Board
A Teacher In Movie Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life Lowers A Panel That Reveals Chalk Board
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I'm not a scientist but I'm pretty sure this is how it works. I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens. No one can resist the power of the chalkboard When you're the only one in the room who understands the joke When all eyes are on you and you have to deliver Monty Python's The Meaning of Life: now with 100% more chalkboards! When the comedy stops and the real work begins Taking a stand in the face of uncertainty It's a musical! No, it's a movie! No, it's Monty Python's The Meaning of Life! Even in a world of comedy, Dr. Spencer remains serious Monty Python's The Meaning of Life: Where the chalkboard meets the bookshelf No matter what the situation, Dr. Spencer stands tall Calm, cool, and collected in the face of chaos When life gets too serious, it's time to break out the books When you need to take a serious stand but the room is full of laughter The Doctor is in...the library Nothing beats a good chalkboard and a calm demeanor The ultimate test of a true leader: staying calm in the face of chaos John Cleese: Master of the Chalkboard When you're trying to explain the meaning of life to a room full of blank stares When even the books are holding their breath What do bookshelves and chalkboards have in common? Dr. Spencer! When the stakes are high and the room is silent Dr. Spencer: Making sense of the world one board at a time When you know the answer but no one else does Not everyone can pull off a cape and suit jacket at the same time When even the books are wondering what's going to happen next