Grima Wormtongue Holds Up Letter
Grima Wormtongue In Movie Lord Of The Rings Holds Up A Letter For People To Read
The Lord Of The RingsMovieFilmEntertainmentActionFantasyPeter JacksonJacksonGrima WormtongueBrad DourifGrima Wormtongue Holds Up LetterGrima Wormtongue Holding Up LetterGrima Wormtongue Shows LetterGrima Wormtongue Showing LetterGrima Wormtongue Holds PaperGrima Wormtongue Holding Up PaperPaperShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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One does not simply walk into Mordor. I'm not a wizard I'm a what-if guy. All you have to do is follow the damn train CJ! When you're in too deep and there's no turning back Going on an adventure? Read the fine print first! When you receive a letter from a dark and dreary castle When the letter isn't what you expected This isn't what I bargained for! What did Grima Wormtongue sign me up for? Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - An Adventure or a Nightmare? I should have known better than to trust Grima Wormtongue What was I thinking? Even adventures have their limits Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - not for the faint of heart I should have seen this coming! When you realize the adventure may be too much All I wanted was an adventure - not this! When the adventure takes an unexpected turn So much for an adventure! WARNING: Adventures have consequences Signed, sealed, delivered - but not what I expected Is this really the adventure I signed up for? When you realize you've gotten in over your head When you realize there's no turning back When the adventure turns into a nightmare When fantasy turns into reality Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - not what I expected When a good idea turns sour When the adventure takes a dark turn