Angela Sad And Shows Picture
Angela Martin From TV Show The Office Is Sad And Shows Picture
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
I'm not a robot I'm a human. I'm sorry I'm just really tired. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life. 'You're gonna have a bad time!' 'Sigh. Another day, another dollar.' 'It's gonna be a long day...' When your boss gives you the silent treatment When your boss makes you feel like you're invisible 'My job makes me want to scream!' 'Is this really my life?' 'Ah, the joys of corporate life.' When you know you're in for a long day Just another day in the Office 'When your job sucks, but you gotta keep going.' When the work day seems like it will never end Corporate life is not all it's cracked up to be Don't worry, be Angela When you feel like you're talking to a wall 'Welcome to the corporate jungle.' 'When your job makes you want to quit.' The office blues 'Just keep smiling, even if it hurts.' When you're stuck in a dead-end job 'I think I'm going to cry.' 'Someone get me out of here!' 'Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.' 'Please just make it stop!' 'The office is no laughing matter.' 'What did I do to deserve this?'