Michael Scott Holds White Poster
Michael Scott In TV Show The Office Holds Up White Poster Board
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
When you're so done with work, you just want to flip the board When you want to make a statement but can't find the words When the idea of work makes you want to flip out When you know things have to change When you've had enough of the corporate grind When you wake up and think 'Oh no, not this again' When you realize office life isn't all it's cracked up to be When you realize you're no Michael Scott When you feel like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle When it's time to make a statement When corporate life makes you want to flip the board When you feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop When you're ready for the weekend, but still have to work When The Office becomes too real When you just need a break from the corporate world When you're ready to quit your job When you feel like you're on an endless treadmill When your job is more tiring than running a marathon When you realize corporate life isn't all it's cracked up to be When you realize working 9-5 isn't as glamorous as it seems When the office becomes too much to bear When you just want to turn the page When you take your job a bit too seriously When you want to show your boss who's boss