Police Chief Unfolds Message
Police Chief In Movie The Big Lebowski Unfolds Message And Reads It
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I'm not always a table but when I am I'm unfolded. When you're trying to be a good table but life just keeps unfolding you. The office isn't so cozy anymore What did I get myself into? The Big Lebowski: When you realize you've been duped So much for a good time This isn't what I expected When your plans go awry Time to face the music That's why you don't mess with the Malibu Police Chief Maybe the lamp table isn't such a good idea Guess this is the end of the road Looks like I'm in deep shit Oh no, not again Not what I signed up for! The US flag is no longer a symbol of safety Reading the note was a bad idea Looks like I'm in over my head Whoops, looks like I'm in trouble When your buddy puts you in a sticky situation What have I done? When you realized you've been scammed Who knew crime could be so serious All I wanted was a good time Wait... Is this really happening? Dark comedy, indeed What have I done to deserve this? Here we go again