Man Pulls Out Book For Child
A Man In Movie O Shaolin Do Sertão Pulls Out Book And Shows It To Child
O Shaolin do SertaoO Shaolin do SertãoMovieFilmEntertainmentMartial ArtsComedyFunnyHilariousMartial Arts MovieIgor JansenEdmilson FilhoAluizio LiPiolhoMan Pulls Out Book And Shows ChildMan Pulling Out Book And Showing To ChildMan Shows Book To ChildMan Presents Book To ChildChildShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessageBookBook Title
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You must be the change you want to see in the world. Be like water. Aluizio Li Piolho taking on the Sertão with his ancient martial arts When you put on your martial arts costume and the adventure begins When you find the secret Shaolin martial art school in the middle of nowhere Who knew the book would be so powerful? When Igor Jansen and Edmilson Filho have a martial arts showdown Just another day in the life of a martial arts kid The calm before the martial arts storm Sitting and talking with the Shaolin master When you show up to the school on a bicycle and everyone stares The Shaolin do Sertão adventure begins Taking the Sertão by storm on a bicycle When you thought you were just going for a bike ride When a hat, a notebook and a bicycle take you on an epic journey The Shaolin do Sertão journey begins A mountain kid and his bicycle go on an epic journey Serious martial arts training in the middle of the mountains The ultimate martial arts showdown in the Sertão Bruce Lee meets the Sertão and takes it to the next level When the VHS case and the slipcase box take you on an unexpected adventure Who knew a notebook, a bicycle and a conical hat could take you so far? When the bicycle takes you to a mysterious martial arts school When you accidentally discover a hidden martial arts school When you thought it was going to be a calm day in the Sertão When you realize a book can take you on an incredible adventure Planting the seeds for a legendary martial arts journey