Man Hits Sign Down
Man In Movie Sorry To Bother You Knocks Down Sign Being Held By Other Person
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I'm not yelling I'm just passionate. I'm not angry I'm just passionate about my coffee. I'm not mad I'm disappointed. Let's get angry! Don't even think about it The power of protest! Time for some serious protesting No more Mr. Nice Guy Get out of my way Enough is enough! Smashing the system I've had it up to here! I'm done being quiet Don't make me angry No more silence Ready to break some rules Who's ready to fight? Nowhere to hide Not today, not ever When you just can't take it anymore I'm done being nice No more pretending I'm mad as heck and I'm not gonna take it! Time to get angry I'm done being polite That's it, I'm done! So close yet so far away Not gonna take it anymore Taking back what's mine I've had it with the establishment I'm done being pushed around