Girl Turns Around With Sign
A Girl Turns Around Somewhat Fast To Reveal A Large White Sign
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And then I was like 'Wait what?' I'm not really sure what's going on here. Don't underestimate the power of a smile Taking the journey to success Taking the stairs to success Showing the world what I'm made of Nothing like that feeling of excitement and joy Making your way to the top Young and ready to succeed Ready to take on the world! On the way to becoming a business mogul Ready to take on the world with a smile Climbing the staircase of success When you know you've made the right decision Nothing like that feeling of turning around and seeing the future ahead Ready to turn my dreams into reality From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the ladder Taking the path less traveled to success Nothing like a smile to start the journey When you know you're going to make it Taking the road to success one step at a time Nothing like starting your own business When you realize you're about to make it big The best kind of reveal is a smile Ready to make a name for myself One sign, one goal, one mission Ready to conquer the capital Climbing the social media ladder