News Reel Plays On TV
A News Reel In Movie Minority Report Plays On Digital Monitor On Public Transportation
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I'm the anchor of the evening news but I'm also a bit of a meme. I'm not a news anchor but I play one on TV. When the news has you standing on the railing When the news is too good to be true When the news isn't what you expected What did I get myself into? When the news takes a turn for the worst Don't trust the news, it's always changing Just another day in the world of science fiction When you read the news and realize you were wrong Time to face the music Oh no, not again! How did I get myself into this mess? Don't believe everything you read When the news is out of control The future isn't always what it seems Looks like the future is here When you read the headlines and realize the future is here When you get the news and it's worse than you thought Is this really happening? When you think the news can't get any worse When you read the headlines and regret your choices Just another day in the Minority Report When you realize the headlines are true When the news isn't what you wanted to hear It seemed like a good idea at the time When the news is too shocking to handle