Michael Scott Sitting In Front Board
Michael Scott Sits In Front Of Whiteboard With His Own Quote Written On It
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I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious. Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. When Michael Scott is trying to be respectful When Michael Scott is trying to be fashionable When Michael Scott is trying to come up with an idea When Michael Scott is trying to be 'in charge' When your boss makes you question everything When Michael Scott is trying to be motivational When Michael Scott comes up with a plan...that doesn't quite work When Michael Scott is trying to take charge When Michael Scott's ideas are a little off-track When Michael Scott is trying to be inspirational When Michael Scott said the wrong thing...again When Michael Scott is trying to think of something clever When you see Michael Scott writing on the whiteboard When Michael Scott is trying to be funny When Michael Scott is trying to be clever When Michael Scott is trying to be productive When Michael Scott is being too ambitious When Michael Scott said what he shouldn't have When Michael Scott is trying to focus When Michael Scott is trying to meditate When Michael Scott's ideas are a bit too out-there When your boss takes his job too seriously When Michael Scott has a plan and it's a little too crazy When Steve Carell is in the zone When you realize your boss said something disrespectful When Michael Scott is being a little too creative