Morpheus Turns On TV
Morpheus In Movie The Matrix Turns On TV To Show Neo Something
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I'm not the one that's crazy the world is. I'm trying to free your mind Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through The Matrix: More than meets the eye Neo: Ready to take on the Matrix The moment you find out the truth about The Matrix The Matrix: Where every action has a consequence 'Welcome to the Real World' The Matrix: Suspense, action and a reality-bending twist When you realize you're living in a simulation Laurence Fishburne and Keanu Reeves: A classic movie combination When Morpheus explains the reality of the Matrix to Neo Neo: Discovering the truth about the Matrix Neo: From scared and confused to cool and confident Neo: From suit and tie to leather and shades The Matrix: A classic movie for the ages Neo and Morpheus: The ultimate sci-fi duo Morpheus and Neo: The original matrix duo 'The Matrix is everywhere, even in this room' Matrix 1999: Changing the way we think about action films 'Do you want to know what The Matrix is?' Sitting and standing: Morpheus and Neo in the Matrix Ready to escape the Matrix? Morpheus: Calm, cool and confident, even in the face of danger The Matrix: Are you ready to face the truth? 'What is the Matrix? I'm here to show you.' Neo: From ordinary Thomas Anderson to extraordinary Neo When the truth of The Matrix was revealed Morpheus and Neo's iconic meeting: A classic movie moment