Ketnipz Reads Newspaper On Ladder
Funny Animated Cartoon Ketnipz Reads Newspaper While Sitting Down
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I'm not just a newspaper I'm a work of art! I'm not a cat I'm a newspaper! When you finally catch up on the latest social media craze Why did I miss out on this? Who knew cartoons could be so popular? Who knew cartoons could be so viral? When you realize your favorite cartoon character has gone viral What's all the fuss about? Aaahhh! So that's what all the hype is about! Looks like I'm a little late to the party When you realize you're the last one to find out about the new trend When you can't keep up with the changing trends When you find out you're the last one to know about the new trend When you finally realize why everyone is talking about Bean Ketnipz When your favorite cartoon character goes viral Newspaper headlines don't stand a chance against the internet What's all the fuss about Bean Ketnipz? When you see your favorite cartoon character on the news When you find out your favorite cartoon character is everywhere There's no way I'm ever going to catch up When you find out your favorite cartoon is a viral sensation When you're the last one to find out about the new trend What did I miss? Just another day in the life of a Bean Ketnipz fan What did I miss out on? Is it too late to jump on the bandwagon? Who knew Harry Hambley was so popular?