Girl Opens Note In Class
A Girl In Movie Hocus Pocus Opens Note In Classroom From Another Student
Hocus PocusMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFantasyHalloweenScary MovieClassicHalloween ClassicOmri KatzMax DennisonVanessa ShawAllisonA Woman Opens Note In ClassroomA Woman Opening Note In ClassroomA Woman Opens NoteA Woman Opening NoteA Woman Reading Note In ClassroomA Woman Reads Note In ClassroomNoteWhite PaperPaperShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens. I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure this isn't how it works. All around the room, calm and serious Oooohhhhh, I'm in trouble now Omri Katz: I should have known better When you're too curious for your own good This isn't what I expected What did I get myself into?! Time to face the music When you get caught up in someone else's spell Max Dennison: I should have read the fine print When you realize your life is in danger Who knew reading the note would be this dangerous When you accidentally summon a witch Tasked with a mission I can't complete When you realize Vanessa Shaw was right Max Dennison: I'm in way over my head When you find out Hocus Pocus is more than a movie When your curiosity gets the best of you Hocus Pocus: Read the note, never forget Max Dennison: I'm in over my head When you realize Hocus Pocus is real What have I done to deserve this? When you realize you shouldn't have trusted that note Allison: Don't worry, I've got this Looks like I'm in a pickle Max Dennison: I guess I'm really in trouble now