Will Smith Underlines With Chalk
Will Smith In Movie Hitch Underlines Message On Chalk Board
HitchMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousRom-ComRomanceAlbert BrennamanWill SmithKevin JamesAlex "Hitch" HitchensWill Smith Underlines Message On Chalk BoardChalk BoardWill Smith Teaching ClientWill Smith TeachesWill Smith TeachingWill Smith LectureWill Smith Underlining MessageWill Smith Using ChalkShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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I'm the one who always has to pee when we're in the car. I'm not really sure what my purpose is but I'm glad I found you. Taking a break from writing on the chalkboard When a plan fails, it's time to get creative When you realize you can't write your way out of a situation Will Smith in Hitch: When he realized plans don't always work out When you find out that even a master planner has his limits When the plan goes up in smoke Just when you thought you had it all figured out The calm before the storm - Will Smith in Hitch When the plan fails, it's time to improvise That moment when you realize you can't control all the variables Taking a second to compose yourself - Hitch A master planner's reflection - Hitch When the writing on the chalkboard isn't enough When you think you've got it all figured out, but then you don't Looks like I'm going to have to think on my feet When your plan is foiled, it's time to get serious You can plan all you want, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow When your carefully-crafted plan falls apart Even the best planners hit a wall sometimes If you think you can plan your way out of every situation, think again When you realize you can't plan for every outcome When even the best-laid plans don't work out