Hasbulla Slams Fist Down Into Table
Famous Influencer, Hasbulla Slams Fist Down Into Table At Breakfast
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I'm not upset that you lied to me I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. Hasbulla Magomedov didn't expect this reaction When your social media post gets zero likes Say it ain't so! When your hand gesture backfires Not what I signed up for! Looks like I'm in trouble again! I'm not sure I'm ready for this! Here we go again... This isn't what I expected! What have I done to deserve this? What did I get myself into?! When you realize your post wasn't as funny as you thought Banging the table isn't going to help Time to face the music! What have I done?! It seemed like a good idea at the time! When your collared shirt isn't enough to contain your anger Making viral videos may be fun, but they sure can backfire! Is this really happening? How did I get myself into this mess? I'm starting to regret my choices! Dwarfism doesn't mean you can't get mad I should have seen this coming! When you realize you should have thought twice before posting Oh no, not again! That's why they don't make viral videos in the kitchen! Sitting and being mad is the only way out now