Ross Says Hello Through Eye Hole
Ross In TV Show Friends Says Hello Through Apartment Eye Hole
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It's been real but I gotta go! I'm outta here! See ya later alligator! I'll be back! Time to turn off the TV, but never turn off the memories All good things must come to an end Someone call the moving truck, it's time to say goodbye A bittersweet farewell as we leave the hallways of laughter The end of an era and the start of a new one Raising a glass to the show that made us laugh When you have to part ways with your sitcom family How I feel when the credits roll on my favorite show Saying goodbye to the show that brought us so much joy Blowing the whistle for one last time Goodbye laughter, hello tears Taking off the leather jacket, but never taking off the memories When a sitcom comes to an end, so does the laughter Standing in the hallway fixtures, waving goodbye Time to blow the party horn and say goodbye When a sitcom romance comes to an end When you say goodbye to your favorite TV family Goodbye friends, until we meet again! Goodbye to the show that brought us happy tears Farewell, Friends! Until we meet again. Oh, the cheerful enjoyment and delight we felt watching our favorite show