Forrest Gump Looks At Papers
Forrest Gump Looks At Papers In Bed During Vietnam
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I'm not a smart man but I know what love is. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get. When you realize there's more to Forrest Gump than meets the eye Life is like a box of magazines So this is where Forrest Gump comes from... When you realize Forrest Gump isn't just a movie So this is the secret behind Forrest Gump A book, a movie and a T-shirt - the Forrest Gump trifecta "Life is like a box of chocolates" -Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump What have I been missing out on all this time? Life's not always as simple as Forrest Gump makes it look Who knew I could get so much from a magazine? Forrest Gump: The movie, the book, the life All this time, I had no idea there was a book behind the movie Who knew Forrest Gump had such a complex story? Laying in bed, reading up on the movie that changed your life I guess it's time to find out what Forrest Gump is really about When you find out there's a book behind the movie Who knew a movie could be based on a book? Reading up on the movie that changed my life When you find out Forrest Gump was a real person Time to find out what I've been missing out on Looks like I'm in for a surprise Can't believe I never knew about this before That's why it's called a drama-rom-com I'm starting to see a different side to Forrest Gump All this time, I thought Forrest Gump was just a movie