Emma Stone Walks Up To Librarian
Emma Stone In Movie Easy A Walks Up To Librarian To Request Book
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was more like a hard B When you thought the library was an easy A, but you had to do some searching When you thought the library was an easy A, but you didn't have enough time to finish When your plan to ace the library backfires When you thought the library was an easy A, but you had to share the book with someone else When you realize the library isn't as 'Easy A' as you thought When you thought the library was the easy way to get an A, but it was a lot harder than you expected When you thought the library was easy and then you actually had to do the work When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was really a D When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was harder than you expected When you thought the library was an easy A, but you had to do some digging When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was more like a C The library isn't as 'easy A' as Olive thought When you thought you'd ace the library and then you had to actually do the work When you thought the library was an easy A, but you couldn't find the right section When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was more like a hard A When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was really an F When you tried to get an Easy A from the library, but it turns out to be harder than you thought When the library makes you work for that A When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was a lot harder When you thought the library was an easy A, but you had to ask for help Trying to get an Easy A from the library, but it's harder than you thought When you thought you'd get an Easy A from the library, but it's not as easy as it looks When you thought the library was an easy A, but you couldn't find the book you needed When you thought the library was easy, but it was harder than you expected When you thought the library was an easy A, but it was more like a hard C