Stephen Curry Draws On Chalkboard
Professional Basketball Player, Stephen Curry Draws On Chalkboard
Stephen CurrySteph CurryCurryProfessional AthleteProfessional Baksetball PlayerBasketball PlayerNBA PlayerNBAPro AthletePro Basketball PlayerBasketballStephen Curry Draws On ChalkboardStephen Curry Drawing On ChalkboardStephen Curry Writes On ChalkboardStephen Curry Writing On ChalkboardChalkboardBoardChalkShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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I'm not a fan of curry but this board is amazing! Stephen Curry: From superstar to meme star When you realize your internet fame isn't as great as you thought Stephen Curry: The meme that was never meant to be When you realize your meme isn't quite as funny as you thought Stephen Curry: From sports hero to meme zero That feeling when you realize your meme doesn't stand a chance When you realize your meme has failed When you realize your meme isn't as awesome as you thought When you realize your meme isn't nearly as cool as you thought Stephen Curry's not so proud moment That sad feeling when you realize your meme isn't going to take off What do you get when you put Stephen Curry on a green board? When you realize your meme isn't quite as popular as you thought So this is what it's like to be an internet meme Stephen Curry: From basketball star to meme star When you realize your meme isn't quite as cool as you thought When you realize your meme is more lame than you thought When you realize you've become a meme for all the wrong reasons When you realize your meme is never going to be as popular as you wanted When you realize you're the meme that no one wanted No one warned me that becoming a meme was so serious When your YouTube video goes viral for all the wrong reasons When you've got the wrong kind of attention When you make a lame video and everyone knows it That awkward moment when you realize your viral video isn't actually viral