Animated Couple Cuddling
An Animated Couple Cuddling On Their Bed While Looking At Something
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So this is what it feels like to be truly content Nothing better than a night in with your special someone When cuddling is so good, you don't even need the TV When you don't need to leave your house to feel truly content Cuddling with someone who gets you is the best feeling All you need is love and a good pillow When you don't even need to leave your bed for a romantic night When you realize you can cuddle with someone without leaving your bedroom When you're so content with your love that even the TV screen will do No need to get dressed up when you have each other When you don't need edited images to feel loved Contented couple cuddling in bed all night long Who says you need a fancy date night when you can stay in and cuddle? When you realize you don't need to leave your bed to feel loved Who needs to go out when you have each other? You know it's love when you don't mind watching the same movie twice Laying in bed with someone you love is the best Wow, I'm thrilled to be here cuddling with you When your relationship is so strong, even a night in with each other is enough Yippee! Movie night in bed! When your relationship is so good that even a night in with just each other is enough When you get to enjoy a movie night with the most important person in your life Who needs graphics when you have each other? When you find out Netflix and cuddles can be the same thing