Man Runs Away From Conflict
A Man In Movie Back To The Future Runs Away From A Big Fight
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I don't care! I'm not in the mood! I don't want to hear it! Leave me alone! Back the fuck off! Oh no, I'm stuck in the past again! What have I gotten myself into? Say it ain't so! This isn't what I was expecting! Time to face the music! When the future becomes the present Looks like I'm in trouble again! I'm starting to regret my choices! Time travel's not as easy as it looks! How did I get myself into this mess? Not what I signed up for! I should have seen this coming! When your science experiment backfires Back off, I'm a scientist! What have I done?! Run for your life! Time travel is no joke! Maybe I should have stuck with the wooden board! Is this really happening? Here we go again... I'm not sure I'm ready for this! It seemed like a good idea at the time... What did I do to deserve this? Oh woah, this isn't what I expected! When your time machine becomes a time nightmare