Kate Hudson Looks At Binder
Kate Hudson In Movie Bridwars Looks At Papers In A Binder In Store
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When you catch your best friend's husband cheating and she still wants to be friends. When you've been planning your wedding for years and your fiance calls it off last minute. The battle of the brides is on! When Olivia Lerner and Kate Hudson meet, all bets are off When the Bride Wars start, all bets are off Bride Wars: Where love and war collide Who will win the ultimate Bride Wars? Who said weddings have to be peaceful? The battle of the brides has begun! Not sure if I'm going to a wedding or a boxing match I thought I was going to a wedding, not a warzone! Weddings are meant to be special, but not this special When two brides go head-to-head, it's time to choose your side Wedding wars: Choose your bride wisely! When the wedding war begins, it's time to pick sides 'Til death do us part? How about 'Til Bride Wars do us part What do you do when your wedding invitations become weapons? Who said romance and comedy don't mix? Let the Bride Wars begin! May the best bride win! When two brides go to war, no one wins Brides, beware! The battle has begun! No one said weddings were easy, especially a Bride War A sample wedding invitation? Not quite... How many brides does it take to ruin a wedding? When the Bride Wars start, you'd better prepare for battle Not your typical wedding invitation An invitation to the ultimate Bride Wars