Kate Hudson Looks At CD
Kate Hudson In Bride Wars Movie Looks At CD Upset
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I'm not a bridezilla I'm a bride-BOSS. I'm not just a bride I'm a bride-in-training. When the CD case has a note in it When your romantic comedy turns out to be a dark comedy Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson have a sticky note showdown Who put the note in the CD case? Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: May the best bride win Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: Taking the Bride Wars to the next level Looks like I'm in for a Bride Wars surprise Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: When friendship meets competition Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: Who will be the winner? When you find out the truth about the movie When you realize the Bride Wars movie is actually a dark comedy Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: It's time for a showdown Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: The battle for the perfect wedding Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: May the best bride win! Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: Feeling angry and vindictive at the note in the CD case What is Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson holding in the CD case? I think it's time for a Bride Wars rematch Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: Best frenemies When you find out the truth about Bride Wars Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: Calmly contemplating the note in the CD case When you thought the Bride Wars movie was a rom-com When you realize you've been had When the note in the CD case changes everything Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: Staring in disbelief at the note in the CD case When you thought the movie was going to be a rom-com, but it's actually a dark comedy Liv Lerner and Kate Hudson: One Bride War to rule them all