A Woman Shows Sign To Neighbor
A Woman In TV Show Black-Ish Shows A Sign To Neighbor
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Hey, Black-ish family, this one's for you When you realize your polite gesture backfired What did I get myself into? This isn't what I signed up for Say it ain't so! Looks like I'm in trouble again Blonde hair and a printed blouse? Must be a sign... Time to listen to the signs Here we go again! Hey neighbor, I've got something to say What do the trees and plants say? Looks like the sign is telling us something Janine can make a statement without saying a word I'm not sure I'm ready for this When you're trying to be a good neighbor... Time to face the music Talk about a sign from the heavens! How did I get myself into this mess? When you realize your neighbors may not be the best of friends Nicole Sullivan and Janine have a message for you When the picket fence speaks When the signboard speaks the truth Taking a moment to read the signs The sign speaks for itself What does the sign say? Not what I expected! When your neighbor's sign says it all Take a hint from the signs Is that a sign of things to come? Looks like the sign is right Blonde hair, printed blouse and a picket fence, showing everyone how it's done What did I sign up for? Who knew a sign could say so much? Uh oh, I'm in trouble again Uh oh, here we go again! I should have seen this coming The grass isn't always greener on the other side Standing tall with a signboard can make a statement Is this really happening? What do the signs tell us? Hey, Black-ish! Hey, Black-ish, what does the signboard say? What does the signboard have to say? When your neighbor's signboard says it all When the signboard says it all Guess it's time to take the signs seriously Oh no, what have I done now? What have I done to deserve this? Black-ish can be funny, but it can also be serious The sign says it all Nicole Sullivan knows how to show calm and serious Hey, Black-ish, the signs are here It seemed like a good idea at the time