Woman Shows Man Her Phone Screen
A Woman In TV Show Black-Ish Shows Delivery Guy Her Phone
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Blackish Twitter be like... When technology fails you Smartphones: ruining family time since 1997 When your phone is too smart for its own good When your phone has a mind of its own When your phone says no Ms. Jenkins knows how to get her point across Looks like I'm in trouble again I think I'm in trouble now I'm starting to regret my decisions When the phone won't listen When you should have gotten an iPhone When your phone controls your life When the phone won't do what you want it to I wish this phone would just stop ringing Is there any way out of this? I think it's time for a family intervention When Black-ish becomes an obsession What did I do this time? I'm sure it's nothing, just answer the phone already! Maybe I should just answer it Looks like I'm stuck here for a while Just another day in the living room When you're trying to watch Black-ish but your phone won't cooperate When the phone takes control When your phone acts like its own person When your phone has other ideas Isn't this the part where I'm supposed to be annoyed? When Black-ish interrupts your plans Don't worry, the phone isn't gonna bite you! When you can't hide from the phone Ms. Biggs regrets the day she bought a smartphone When your family makes you drop everything and answer the phone When your phone decides to take a break Is it too late to turn back now? When your phone takes over your living room When the phone is too demanding Is this really happening? When your phone calls the shots When your phone is smarter than you When you try to ignore the phone but it won't stop ringing When technology gets the best of you When your phone takes over your life What did I do to deserve this? Nothing a little tech support can't fix When one episode of Black-ish turns into a marathon Oh great, here we go again When your phone won't take no for an answer I guess I'm not going anywhere anytime soon Looks like someone is about to get an earful Is it too much to ask for a few minutes of peace? Just another day in the life of a Black-ish family