Giant White Billboard Under Lights
A Giant White Billboard Sits Under Lights In Some Location
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I'm not a scientist but... I'm not a doctor but... I'm not an expert but... Social media gone wild Facebook, taking over the world one billboard at a time Bringing your profile to the world Showing the world your latest update The new way to present yourself to the world Sign me up for the new Facebook billboard! Halogen lights, presenting the newest billboard Showcasing the latest status update Your Facebook profile, now on the big screen Taking over the night sky with your profile pic When Facebook said it was gonna be a billboard, this isn't quite what I had in mind When your profile pic is up on the billboard Showing the world your best side When you see the billboard that you've been promoted to Let's take a look at the latest billboard Taking over the night sky, one billboard at a time When your profile pic turns into a billboard When you realize your Facebook profile is the billboard in town The calm interest of everyone who passes by When the night sky turns into your billboard Taking the world by storm Welcoming the world to the world of Social Media Showing the world who you really are The calm before the storm of 'likes' When you find out who's on the billboard Showing off your latest status update Calm interest in the newest Facebook billboard The calm before the storm The perfect parody of the billboard When you don't know what to post, post your profile pic Ready to show the world what Facebook can do Showing the world what Facebook can do When you see the billboard for the first time Facebook, the new Halogen lighting of the night sky Calm interest and your profile pic, now that's a show! Taking your Facebook profile to the next level Social media parody billboard Is this really what the world sees? What have I done to deserve this? A billboard for the ages Halogen lights and your profile pic, now that's a combo! When you're the star of the town Lighting up the night sky with the newest billboard Presenting: The future of social media Where do I sign up? A billboard that lights up the night sky Presenting your best side on the billboard When you find out who made it to the billboard