Woman Picks Card At Party
A Woman In TV Show Brooklyn Nine-Nine Picks Card At Party
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When you're feeling lucky. The odds are always in your favor. I'm not a gambler but if I were this is the card I would pick. When Andy Samberg and Jake Peralta play a game, it's no laughing matter No matter how relaxed they look, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad always plays to win When you realize you picked the wrong card in the Brooklyn Nine-Nine game When Andy Samberg and Jake Peralta play games, it's all about the strategy Brooklyn Nine-Nine: no slackers allowed! Andy Samberg's not so serious game face When you know you should have gone with your first instinct When it comes to games, the Nine-Nine squad never takes it lightly Time to see if I'm the luckiest person in Brooklyn When the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad plays at home, it's all about strategy Pick your card carefully - it could mean the difference between winning and losing Let's see if this card is a winner Jake Peralta's not-so-serious game face Brooklyn Nine-Nine: where even the most serious moments can be funny When Andy Samberg and Jake Peralta play games, they take it seriously Just because they're sitting on the couch doesn't mean they're not serious No matter how calm they look, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad is always playing for keeps Got 99 problems and picking the right card ain't one When it comes to games, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad is always focused Playing games with the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad is no joke I'm about to find out if I chose the right card When the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad plays games at home, the stakes are always high Please, please let it be the right card The game of Brooklyn Nine-Nine just got serious! One card, one chance When you need to stay calm and pick the right card When Andy Samberg and Jake Peralta play a game, they mean business When the stakes are high, but you gotta keep your cool I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go but the couch Who knew Brooklyn Nine-Nine could be so intense? Come on, come on, pick the right card! No matter how calm they look, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad is always playing to win Brooklyn Nine-Nine: no couch potatoes here! Don't let Jake Peralta's casual demeanor fool you - he's playing for keeps Time to see if I'm a winner or a loser When you have to choose between a collared shirt and a t-shirt, it's no joke I'm counting on Lady Luck Please don't let me make the wrong choice When the Nine-Nine squad plays at home, they take it very seriously When your home decor depends on the card you pick When the stakes are high, the Nine-Nine squad plays for keeps Don't let the decor fool you - Brooklyn Nine-Nine is serious business Here goes nothing Is this my lucky day or not? No pants? No problem! Brooklyn Nine-Nine is serious business When you're about to lose but trying to stay calm When you know you have to pick the right card Taking a gamble on this one I'm gonna need a miracle to pick the right card Will I win or will I lose?