Man Shows Photos In Interrogation Room
A Man In TV Show Brooklyn Nine-Nine Shows Photos In Interrogation Room
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List of people who your crush likes Not you The biggest problem in your life Is you Any Minor Inconvenience A New Piercing I'm the captain now. I'm not a robot I'm a unicorn. I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. When you get to wear a leather jacket in the interrogation room That moment when you enter the interrogation room and you know you're gonna have some fun The moment you realize you're part of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad Andy Samberg: King of the precinct Excited? Enjoyment? Happy? Me too! When you finally get to show off your detective skills It's time to show 'em who's boss When you just want to be part of the squad When Brooklyn Nine-Nine is your favorite show Jake Peralta - always ready for action When you're too excited to be in the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad When you get to be part of the best police force Taking crime down one criminal at a time When you can't help but smile in the interrogation room Ready for the next mission Brooklyn Nine-Nine - the best sitcom ever When you get to be part of the B99 team When you get to be part of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine family Ready to make the world a better place Jake Peralta - always ready for the challenge Let's do this! When you realize you can be a cop and still be cool When you thought you could pull off leather in the interrogation room Andy Samberg looking cool as Jake Peralta in the interrogation room Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Where the excitement never stops Jake Peralta: Master of interrogation Let's get this show on the road! When you're about to solve a case in style When you know you've got a good story to tell I'm ready for my close up! When you get to work with the best team in town When you know you made the right decision to join the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Justice has never looked so good When you can't stop smiling in the interrogation room Time to solve some crimes The moment you know you made it into the Brooklyn Nine-Nine When you realize you have to be a real cop It's time to put the bad guys away When you're trying to act cool but you're actually really excited When you know you'll get away with anything When you know you're going to have a great time Just another day at the precinct When you can't hide your excitement When you know you're part of something special The only thing missing is a leather jacket When you finally get to sit in the interrogation room chair Who says crime fighting can't be fun?