Jamie Foxx Opens Valentine's Card
Jamie Foxx In Movie Annie Opens Up A Valentine's Day Card With Annie
AnnieMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousClassicMusicalWholesomeDramaFamily MovieAnnie Bennett StacksJamie FoxxWilliam StacksQuvenzhané WallisWill StacksQuvenzhane WallisJamie Foxx Opens Valentine's CardJamie Foxx Opening Valentine's CardJamie Foxx Opens CardJamie Foxx Opening CardJamie Foxx Reads CardJamie Foxx Reading CardShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessageValentine's CardCard
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What a surprise!' Is this really happening?' When you find out your favorite movie is coming back The power of love in a purple jacket I'm so happy I found you Aww, love is in the air! Anticipating something special What a twist!' Who knew a necktie could be so meaningful? When you know it's going to be serious When your heart is filled with love When two hearts meet through the windows When your movie-world dreams come true I'm no longer an orphan!' Looks like the windows can stay open!' Loved, anticipated, happy and serious - all at the same time!' When Annie Bennett Stacks takes the pink jacket When Jamie Foxx and Quvenzhane Wallis reunite When your real-life dad turns out to be Jamie Foxx Time for a new tuxedo!' I never saw this coming!' That special moment when you know you're loved I never expected this!' When the one you love looks into your eyes When two worlds come together on the couch Aww, it's a heart-shaped card!' Sure beats the purple jacket!' When you feel loved and happy When you find out your parents are actually wealthy Will Stacks, showing his softer side I'm in the movie now!' The power of a family connection!' No more pink jacket for me!' Who knew it was this easy to be loved?' That feeling of being loved and accepted Reading a book with the one you love When two hearts become one That look of pure love on his face I'm an Annie Bennett Stacks!' When you realize you can watch Annie with the family again What a transformation!' I'm so happy to be here with you Life can change in an instant!' When you get a heart-shaped card from the one you love So that's what it feels like to be loved!' When you realize you've been loved all along When you hold the one you love in your arms Who knew reading could be so rewarding?' Loved and anticipating, happy and serious When William Stacks puts on the tuxedo That moment when you know everything will be alright What a surprise ending!' Who knew my dreams could come true?'