Man Pulls Out Bottle Of Medicine
A Man In Movie American Pie Pulls Out Bottle Of Medicine To Show Someone
American PieMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousStupidSteve StiflerSeann William ScootMan Pulls Out Bottle Of MedicineMan Pulling Out Bottle Of MedicineMan Shows Bottle Of MedicineMan Showing Bottle Of MedicineBottle Of MedicineMedcine BottleMedicine LabelLabelShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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When the American Pie movie series just isn't enough What did I get myself into this time? When you find out adulthood is nothing like the movies When Steve Stifler gets schooled by his peers Hold up, this isn't what I expected! When Steve Stifler gets a lesson in maturity When Stifler has to take his meds When you've taken one step too far When you gotta take your medicine but everyone else is having fun Steve Stifler: *groans* What have I gotten myself into? Steve Stifler: *sighs* meds, meds, and more meds Oops, I did it again! Steve Stifler has some explaining to do When you realize you took the wrong pill Stifler: *sigh* Time to take my medicine Steve Stifler: *sighs* Time to face the music When adulting hits you like a ton of bricks When you realize you can't talk your way out of this one Time to face the music Steve Stifler: Just getting my daily dose of adulting That moment when you realize you're not as cool as you thought Stifler: Not what I signed up for! Stifler: Just another day in adulting Stifler: *groans* How did I get myself into this mess? Steve Stifler: Time to take my medicine and face the consequences Stifler: Is this really adulthood? When your medicine bottle is more popular than you Stifler: *sigh* Ah, the joys of growing up When you realize adulting is a lot less fun than it looks Steve Stifler: *sigh* Here we go again So much for the American Pie plan Looks like someone's in trouble! That moment when you wish you had stayed in school Steve Stifler: *muttering* Ah, the joys of being an adult Steve Stifler: *sigh* This is adulthood When Steve Stifler realizes he's been had Stifler: *muttering* Ah, the joys of adulthood When you don't realize how serious life can be When the consequences of your actions come full circle Ah, the consequences of adulting When you think you can get away with anything Stifler: I'm not sure I'm ready for this! When the truth finally catches up with you Stifler: *sighs* Looks like I'm in trouble again Ouch! Looks like someone's in for a rough day When the realization of your mistake sets in The moment when you realize you're in for a wild ride When Steve Stifler learns the hard way When the medicine bottle says it all Steve Stifler: *groans* Time for my daily dose of adulting When you find out adult comedy is not as funny as it looks