Woman Disintegrates Into Floor
A Woman In Movie Amelie Disintegrates Into The Floor
AmelieMovieFilmEntertainmentDramaRomanceComedyFunnyHilariousLe Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie PoulainAmélieThe Fabulous Destiny of Amélie PoulainAudrey TautouAmélie PoulainAmelie Disintegrates Into FloorAmelie Disintegrating Into FloorAmelie Melts Into FloorAmelie Melting Into FloorAmelie MeltingAmelie MeltsMeltMeltingDisintegrateEvaporate
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I'm not a morning person. I'm not like other girls. When you realize the romance wasn't real after all When you realize there's no one to save you from your own destiny Amélie Poulain: When you thought you had it all figured out Is this really happening?' When all you can do is sigh Time to face the music!' When the walls close in Amélie Poulain: When life isn't a movie When you thought you had it all figured out... When you realize your dreams may not come true The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain: When the melt begins When you realize the bangs just don't work The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain: Ahh the sadness When you realize being sad is inevitable I should have seen this coming!' Amélie Poulain: When life gets sad The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain: Not so fabulous... When your dreams of a happy ending fall apart This isn't what I expected!' Oh no, not again!' Amélie Poulain: Unhappy endings When the bangs aren't enough to distract from your feelings What have I done?!' When you wish for a different story Not what I signed up for! What have I done to deserve this?' Looks like I'm in trouble again!' When you realize there's no magic door to escape from reality When you realize the Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain was all a dream When the laughter dies down The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain: Unhappy endings Amélie Poulain: Just another day in destiny When the lighting in the room isn't enough to make you happy When the polka dot dress isn't enough to save you I'm starting to regret my choices!' When the comedy isn't enough When you find out the movie isn't real Ahh, Amélie's not so fabulous destiny When you realize the lighting isn't quite right Here we go again... Here we go again!' When life isn't as funny as the movies When the romance of the movie isn't enough When the movie isn't enough Say it ain't so!' When you realize the polka dot dress isn't enough When you realize there's no happy ending The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain: Not so fabulous after all I'm not sure I'm ready for this!' How did I get myself into this mess?' When the wall panel isn't enough to hide your sadness Amélie Poulain: When the door panel doesn't open