Man Reacts To Painful Incident
A Man In Movie Zoolander Reacts To A Painful Incident That Occurs Before Him
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Fashion models gone wrong The aftermath of a fashion shoot Who said modeling was glamorous? Just another day in the modeling world When the models are feeling less than confident Looks like I'm in trouble again! Zoolander: Why do I feel like I'm in trouble? This isn't what I expected! What did I get myself into?! No one said anything about plastic bags and metal cases! Oh no, not again! Oh no, what have I done? Plastics bags and metal cases? This isn't what I signed up for! I should have known better! Zoolander: Did I miss something? Zoolander: I wonder what happened here I don't think this is how it's supposed to go The after effects of a movie fashion shoot When the models have to improvise When the fashion shoot doesn't go as planned Is this really happening? When trying to look stylish goes wrong Zoolander covering his face in disbelief What have I done to deserve this? Not sure if this was part of the script When Zoolander meets Tyson Beckford When the models are asked to do something they didn't sign up for